You are here: Stock Items > Stock Item Variants > Reporting Variant Stock Item Sales

Reporting Variant Stock Item Sales

The Stock Item Sales Report will report on sales of Variant Stock Items.

The report contains a "Consolidate Variants" option which can be used to group the sales of each items variations into a single Variant Item (i.e. the parent item such as Boys Shirt).

E.g. When this option is not enabled, each variety of an item that was sold will be listed on a separate line in the report - Boys Shirt Small, Boys Shirt Medium, Boys Shirt Large, etc.

When this option is enabled, sales of the variant items will be consolidated into one line for each variant - Boys Shirt.

The Stock Item Sales Report is available from the Back Office via the Reports > Sales > Stock Item Sales menu.



The below example shows the Stock Item Sales Report with the Consolidate Variants Option disabled:



The below example shows the Stock Item Sales Report with the Consolidate Variants Option enabled: